Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Travis' birthday

On Tuesday my oldest brother Travis turned ten. At seven o' clock Travis woke me up and we both ran into Mom and Dads room and leaped in Mom's bed. And snuggled in then Caroline and Ben leaped in as well. Then Mom got dressed and then we all went down stairs. Dad could not stay home for Travis ' birthday because he had work. When we got down stairs Dad had made a web of streamers then Travis broke them. Then we had breakfast it was very very good. After that we went up stairs and did are room chores then we went down stairs and did our Bible. Then Mom read some books for school to us. Then me and Travis played balloon basketball and Mom read to Caroline Ben and Jack. After that we had rest time then at two thirty me Mom Travis and Caroline played a game. Then Emma and James came over and watched despicable me. Then Mom made dinner and then Dad came home. And then we had dinner and soda. And at seven thirty Uncle Ron and Aunt Jenny Lynn and the Deadwylers came over and had cinnamon rolls. The Deadwylers ten dollars and Uncle Ron and Aunt Jenny Lynn gave him a really nice paper air plan kit. Then we played and then everyone went home.



Super Maw Maw said...

Sounds like a fun day:)!!

mamakyker said...

One of my favorite parts of the day might have been all the snuggling in the morning! I love it when you're all in there. :)

GaGa said...

I miss the snuggles I get when I am there. Can't wait to see you. Please save some snuggles, hugs and kisses for me. I am so glad that you love your older brother so much. It makes my heart feel good. Love ya