Sunday, May 8, 2011

Out with the family

Today I woke up and went down stairs. Ben and Caroline were all ready down watching a movie. Presently I joined them soon Travis got up and we all watched together. Then Travis got up from watching the TV and started to make pancakes. When the pancakes were ready we got up turned of the TV and ate some pancakes. When we were done with breakfast we went upstairs and did room chores. When we were done with room chores we went downstairs and went to work out side. Soon Dad said that we could wash the car. In no time at all we were working as fast as we could. Then we started to do the car wash. Then Dad said that we could do the slip n slide. Then we had a big water fight soon we had to in and have lunch. Soon it was rest time and I went up stairs to work on my project for Mom for Mothers day. The project was called the Moms book. When rest time was over we played outside. I hepled Dad swich the seats around for the Eli to sit in the car. Then Dad called us to get in the car. While we were driving we watched Elf. We were driving first ladys house then we drove to resteraut to have dinner. Then we drove to Lowes to get some flowers then we drove home. When we got home I read then I went into our room and fell fast asleep.



mamakyker said...

your writing is g\getting better and better, Sam! i love reading your account of our days!
and i really love my mom's book.

Sam said...

It was very fun to be out with the family. Had a supper fun time with you.


Travis said...

You worked on a project did you say what was it called? Booga Wooga Dirty Chips? No, that can't be right. I know! THE MOM'S BOOK!
Da-dadaah! (I'm in a crazy mood.)