Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Co-op at last

At last Monday came the day that co-op started it was awesome first when we got to the building we got placed in are class' and when Mom Dad Ben Jack and Eli said good bye and started home that was when co-op started. First we went to art class each class is a hour and ten minutes long. When we were done we went into geography through literature class. We are reading a book called Paddle to the sea. We read two chapters. When we were done we left are backpacks in the hallway and took are lunch bags and went outside to eat lunch. I had a turkey sandwich chips grapes and a peanut butter cup. When we were done we took are lunch bags and lined them up in a line and lined up and went inside and played in the gym. We played basketball bubble tag and dodge ball. Then we went and got are lunch bags and went back inside and did science. Then we did South Carolina history when we were done we lined up and went outside and went to where we Mom picked us up. Then we went to target and got Me Travis and Caroline a new back pack then we went home and when Dad got home we went out to eat at five guys when we got home we went to bed. I met a new friend named Davis I had some homework. Here is some pictures


Super Maw Maw said...

I'm so happy you really like your co-op. I see lots of fun times in your future!!

GaGa said...

It sounds like you had a very busy but fun day. So glad you enjoy your coop class.

mamakyker said...

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