Saturday, June 11, 2011

Garage sale

Today I woke up at 6:00 and when I wake at 6:00 I can't go back to sleep. Caroline was snuggling me in the guest bed. Caroline couldn't go back to bed just like me. I asked Caroline if she would play the game of life. She said yes and we played it for about 50 minutes and then we went and woke up Travis. He is almost all the time the person who stays in bed but he told me the night before that he was going to get up at 6:50. Today was a day to get up early we were going to have a garage sale. I started gathering up all the things that I was going to sell. That took about 30 minutes then we ate breakfast Soon we stated setting up our garage sale. I was selling a lot of things and I sold lemonade with Travis. I sold most of my stuff that I had. I made 17 dollars and 50 cents. Our friends from across the street helped us with the lemonade.

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Travis said...

Chooch54eg n gfy6unhunjkmthyn kjgu59p bh86b ;fguhbutvsy85vny6uuubkn7m5bhkuvny87uvvy,n5

Super Maw Maw said...

Good job, Sam!!

GaGa said...

Wow - you did great. What are you planning to do with your money?